冉茂芹油画风景写生 组图

我妹妹Ettie Stettheimer的肖像`Portrait of My Sister, Ettie Stettheimer by Florine Stettheimer

我妹妹Ettie Stettheimer的肖像`Portrait of My Sister, Ettie Stettheimer by Florine Stettheimer

艺术家的嫂子阿黛尔的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Sister-in-Law, Adele by Egon Schiele

艺术家的嫂子阿黛尔的肖像`Portrait of the Artist\’s Sister-in-Law, Adele by Egon Schiele

拿着小提琴的年轻女子——圣塞西莉亚`Young Woman With A Violin – Saint Cecilia

拿着小提琴的年轻女子——圣塞西莉亚`Young Woman With A Violin – Saint Cecilia

1870年10月7日,乘坐阿尔芒·巴比斯气球离开甘贝塔`Departure from Gambetta on the Armand-Barbes balloon on October 7, 1870 by Jacques Guiaud

1870年10月7日,乘坐阿尔芒·巴比斯气球离开甘贝塔`Departure from Gambetta on the Armand-Barbes balloon on October 7, 1870 by Jacques Guiaud

1907年沐浴前`Before Bathing, 1907 by Henri Lebasque

1907年沐浴前`Before Bathing, 1907 by Henri Lebasque

康纳马拉女孩,1870年`A Connemara Girl, 1870 by Augustus Nicholas Burke

康纳马拉女孩,1870年`A Connemara Girl, 1870 by Augustus Nicholas Burke

1665年的女性肖像`Portrait of a Woman, 1665 by Gerard ter Borch

1665年的女性肖像`Portrait of a Woman, 1665 by Gerard ter Borch

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