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神之母格里克菲奥鲁萨`The Mother of God Glykophilousa by Cretan School

神之母格里克菲奥鲁萨`The Mother of God Glykophilousa by Cretan School

《爱的花园》,1630-1635年`The Garden of Love, 1630-1635 by Peter Paul Rubens

《爱的花园》,1630-1635年`The Garden of Love, 1630-1635 by Peter Paul Rubens

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图3`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.3 by Giulio Romano

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图3`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.3 by Giulio Romano

穿着便服的年轻女子`Young woman in a negligee by Jules Alphonse Debaene

穿着便服的年轻女子`Young woman in a negligee by Jules Alphonse Debaene

艾尔沃斯蒙娜丽莎-早期版本`Isleworth Mona Lisa – Earlier Version by Leonardo da Vinci

艾尔沃斯蒙娜丽莎-早期版本`Isleworth Mona Lisa – Earlier Version by Leonardo da Vinci

穿绿色衣服,圣帕特里克节`The Wearing of the Green, Saint Patrick\’s Day  by Ellen Clapsaddle

穿绿色衣服,圣帕特里克节`The Wearing of the Green, Saint Patrick\’s Day by Ellen Clapsaddle

简·默瑟小姐`Miss Jane Mercer

简·默瑟小姐`Miss Jane Mercer

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