小清新卡通风景油画 组图

夏季`Summertime by Joseph Farquharson

夏季`Summertime by Joseph Farquharson

那个女人通奸了`The Woman Taken in Adultery by John Trumbull

那个女人通奸了`The Woman Taken in Adultery by John Trumbull

丝带和鞋带,打造漂亮脸蛋`Ribbons And Laces For Very Pretty Faces

丝带和鞋带,打造漂亮脸蛋`Ribbons And Laces For Very Pretty Faces

《通告》,1587年`The Annunciation, 1587 by Scipione Pulzone

《通告》,1587年`The Annunciation, 1587 by Scipione Pulzone

1838年,穆里洛在塞维利亚的方济各修道院为圣母画像`Murillo Painting the Virgin in the Franciscan Convent at Seville, 1838 by John Frederick Lewis

1838年,穆里洛在塞维利亚的方济各修道院为圣母画像`Murillo Painting the Virgin in the Franciscan Convent at Seville, 1838 by John Frederick Lewis

在海滩上骑驴子`Riding Donkeys on the Beach by Isaac Israels

在海滩上骑驴子`Riding Donkeys on the Beach by Isaac Israels

直布罗陀岩石上的山羊群`Goat Herd on the Rock of Gibraltar by Richard Ansdell

直布罗陀岩石上的山羊群`Goat Herd on the Rock of Gibraltar by Richard Ansdell

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