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Alphonsine熔炉`Alphonsine Fournaise by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Alphonsine熔炉`Alphonsine Fournaise by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

日本杉田的花园神社`A Garden Shrine in Sugita, Japan by Theodore Wores

日本杉田的花园神社`A Garden Shrine in Sugita, Japan by Theodore Wores

在Renteria洗澡`Bathing in Renteria

在Renteria洗澡`Bathing in Renteria

艾尔斯伯里伯爵夫人戴安娜的肖像`Portrait of Lady Diana, Countess of Ailesbury by Henri Gascar

艾尔斯伯里伯爵夫人戴安娜的肖像`Portrait of Lady Diana, Countess of Ailesbury by Henri Gascar

萨福克肯威尔庄园的一位女性肖像,传统上被认为是玛丽·克罗普顿`Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton of Kenwell Hall, Suffolk by Robert Peake the Elder

萨福克肯威尔庄园的一位女性肖像,传统上被认为是玛丽·克罗普顿`Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton of Kenwell Hall, Suffolk by Robert Peake the Elder

秋千`The Swing by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

秋千`The Swing by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

美狄亚`Medea by Anselm Feurbach

美狄亚`Medea by Anselm Feurbach

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