俄罗斯油画技法风景 组图

天文学寓言`Allegory of Astronomy by Paolo de Matteis

天文学寓言`Allegory of Astronomy by Paolo de Matteis

裸体研究,女人的半身像`Nude Study, Bust of a Woman by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

裸体研究,女人的半身像`Nude Study, Bust of a Woman by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

1879年,一个戴着珍珠项链的女人`Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge, 1879 by Mary Stevenson Cassatt

1879年,一个戴着珍珠项链的女人`Woman with a Pearl Necklace in a Loge, 1879 by Mary Stevenson Cassatt

卡尔·迈耶夫人和她的孩子们`Mrs Carl Meyer and Her Children

卡尔·迈耶夫人和她的孩子们`Mrs Carl Meyer and Her Children

受伤的天使`The Wounded Angel by Hugo Simberg

受伤的天使`The Wounded Angel by Hugo Simberg

童话故事,1895年`The Fairytale, 1895 by Hugo Simberg

童话故事,1895年`The Fairytale, 1895 by Hugo Simberg

饮酒者`The Drinkers

饮酒者`The Drinkers

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