风景油画常用色 组图

玛丽·恩迪科特的肖像,约瑟夫·张伯伦夫人`Portrait of Mary Endicott, Mrs Joseph Chamberlain by John Everett Millais

玛丽·恩迪科特的肖像,约瑟夫·张伯伦夫人`Portrait of Mary Endicott, Mrs Joseph Chamberlain by John Everett Millais

艺术家的妻子,巴黎沙龙`The Artists\’ Wives, Paris Salon by James Tissot

艺术家的妻子,巴黎沙龙`The Artists\’ Wives, Paris Salon by James Tissot

我妹妹凯莉·斯特海默的画像`Portrait of My Sister, Carrie Stettheimer by Florine Stettheimer

我妹妹凯莉·斯特海默的画像`Portrait of My Sister, Carrie Stettheimer by Florine Stettheimer

灵魂之诗——理想`Poem of the Soul – The Ideal by Louis Janmot

灵魂之诗——理想`Poem of the Soul – The Ideal by Louis Janmot

新来的女奴`The new slave girl by Fabio Fabbi

新来的女奴`The new slave girl by Fabio Fabbi

女子和孩子`Virgin and Child by William Blake

女子和孩子`Virgin and Child by William Blake

漂亮的礼物`A beautiful gift by Emile Auguste Hublin

漂亮的礼物`A beautiful gift by Emile Auguste Hublin

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