中国辉煌油画 组图

Proskynetarion描绘了耶路撒冷以及基督和提奥托科斯的生命周期`Proskynetarion with Depiction of Jerusalem and Scenes from the life cycles of Christ and Theotokos by Icon

Proskynetarion描绘了耶路撒冷以及基督和提奥托科斯的生命周期`Proskynetarion with Depiction of Jerusalem and Scenes from the life cycles of Christ and Theotokos by Icon

罗马奴隶,罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, Escrava Romana, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

罗马奴隶,罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, Escrava Romana, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

拿破仑战败`Napoleon in Defeat by Francois Flameng

拿破仑战败`Napoleon in Defeat by Francois Flameng

早餐桌`The Breakfast Table by John Singer Sargent

早餐桌`The Breakfast Table by John Singer Sargent

戴珍珠耳环的女孩,1665年`Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1665 by 维米尔

戴珍珠耳环的女孩,1665年`Girl with a Pearl Earring, 1665 by 维米尔

一个月的补`A Month\’s Darning by Enoch Wood Perry

一个月的补`A Month\’s Darning by Enoch Wood Perry

罗马女人的半身肖像`Half-Length Portrait of a Roman Woman

罗马女人的半身肖像`Half-Length Portrait of a Roman Woman

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