聊斋志异中国画报 组图

想念她心爱的人`Missing her Beloved by Abbey Altson

想念她心爱的人`Missing her Beloved by Abbey Altson

Little girl at a table with fruit (1908)  by Romuald Kamil Witkowski

一张桌的小女孩用果子` Little girl at a table with fruit (1908) by Romuald Kamil Witkowski

独角兽,1885年`Unicorns, 1885 by Gustave Moreau

独角兽,1885年`Unicorns, 1885 by Gustave Moreau

Two Women at the Table (1915~17)  by Edvard Munch

两名妇女在桌子上` Two Women at the Table (1915~17) by Edvard Munch

《圣母报》,1430年`The Virgin Annunciate, 1430 by Masolino da Panicale

《圣母报》,1430年`The Virgin Annunciate, 1430 by Masolino da Panicale

歌剧院,梅萨琳娜,波尔多,1900-1901年`The Opera, Messalina, at Bordeaux, 1900-1901 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

歌剧院,梅萨琳娜,波尔多,1900-1901年`The Opera, Messalina, at Bordeaux, 1900-1901 by Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec

年轻女子在梳妆`Young Woman at Her Toilette by Pierre Bonnard

年轻女子在梳妆`Young Woman at Her Toilette by Pierre Bonnard

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