高山流水松鹤寿桃国画 组图

《通告》,1480年`The Annunciation, 1480 by Albert Bouts

《通告》,1480年`The Annunciation, 1480 by Albert Bouts

前往加略山的游行,1564年`The Procession to Calvary, 1564 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

前往加略山的游行,1564年`The Procession to Calvary, 1564 by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

克劳德·莫内夫人肖像,1874年`Portrait of Madame Claude Monet, 1874 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

克劳德·莫内夫人肖像,1874年`Portrait of Madame Claude Monet, 1874 by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

约1864年,梅纳德家族追求的宾修斯`Pentheus Pursued by the Maenads, c. 1864 by Charles Gleyre

约1864年,梅纳德家族追求的宾修斯`Pentheus Pursued by the Maenads, c. 1864 by Charles Gleyre

圣母加冕礼`The Crowning of the Virgin by Nicolas Enriquez

圣母加冕礼`The Crowning of the Virgin by Nicolas Enriquez

在乌菲齐集合`Rendezvous at the Uffizi

在乌菲齐集合`Rendezvous at the Uffizi

安达卢西亚忧郁`Andalusian Melancholy by Julio Romero De Torres

安达卢西亚忧郁`Andalusian Melancholy by Julio Romero De Torres

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