南方山水国画四尺 组图

燃烧的六月`Flaming June

燃烧的六月`Flaming June

沐浴后的粉红色长袍`The Pink Robe After The Bath

沐浴后的粉红色长袍`The Pink Robe After The Bath

1880年,索伦托的女人们在船上画画`The Women of Sorrento Drawing in the Boats, 1880 by John Roddam Spencer Stanhope

1880年,索伦托的女人们在船上画画`The Women of Sorrento Drawing in the Boats, 1880 by John Roddam Spencer Stanhope

咖啡馆屋内`Interior of a Cafe

咖啡馆屋内`Interior of a Cafe

1899年的信号`The Signal, 1899 by John William Godward

1899年的信号`The Signal, 1899 by John William Godward

兰巴勒公主萨伏伊的玛丽·特蕾丝·路易丝画像`Portrait of Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe by Jean-Baptiste Charpentier the Elder

兰巴勒公主萨伏伊的玛丽·特蕾丝·路易丝画像`Portrait of Marie Therese Louise of Savoy, Princesse de Lamballe by Jean-Baptiste Charpentier the Elder

罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

罗马奴隶,1894年`Roman Slave, 1894 by Oscar Pereira da Silva

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