11岁学素描好还是国画好 组图

黑人的肖像,1799-1800年`Portrait of a Negress, 1799-1800 by Marie Guillemine Benoist

黑人的肖像,1799-1800年`Portrait of a Negress, 1799-1800 by Marie Guillemine Benoist



加缪夫人`Madame Camus

加缪夫人`Madame Camus

监视断路器`Watching The Breakers

监视断路器`Watching The Breakers

艺术家-玛塞拉`Artist – Marcella

艺术家-玛塞拉`Artist – Marcella

下午在海滩`Afternoon at the Beach by Frederick Carl Frieseke

下午在海滩`Afternoon at the Beach by Frederick Carl Frieseke

穿着花朵和蝴蝶的褶皱布料的女人`Woman in Draped Fabric with Flowers and Butterflies by Hans Zatzka

穿着花朵和蝴蝶的褶皱布料的女人`Woman in Draped Fabric with Flowers and Butterflies by Hans Zatzka

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