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Leonie Rose Charbuy Davy肖像`Portrait of Leonie Rose Charbuy-Davy by Vincent Van Gogh

Leonie Rose Charbuy Davy肖像`Portrait of Leonie Rose Charbuy-Davy by Vincent Van Gogh

1864年,梅纳德家族追击潘修斯`Pentheus Pursued by the Maenads, 1864 by Charles Gleyre

1864年,梅纳德家族追击潘修斯`Pentheus Pursued by the Maenads, 1864 by Charles Gleyre

《仲夏夜之梦》中的场景——泰坦尼克号和海底`Scene From A Midsummer\’s Night Dream – Titania And Bottom

《仲夏夜之梦》中的场景——泰坦尼克号和海底`Scene From A Midsummer\’s Night Dream – Titania And Bottom

理查三世与鬼魂`Richard III and the Ghosts by William Blake

理查三世与鬼魂`Richard III and the Ghosts by William Blake

罗得和他的女儿们`Lot and His Daughters by Abraham Bloemaert

罗得和他的女儿们`Lot and His Daughters by Abraham Bloemaert

蒙扎夫人`The Lady of Monza by Giuseppe Molteni

蒙扎夫人`The Lady of Monza by Giuseppe Molteni

凯斯顿夫人`Lady Kyston

凯斯顿夫人`Lady Kyston

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