国画黄金分割式的小程序 组图

麦当娜和婴儿耶稣`Madonna with infant Jesus by Hans Zatzka

麦当娜和婴儿耶稣`Madonna with infant Jesus by Hans Zatzka

屠龙者`Dragon Slayer by Franz von Stuck

屠龙者`Dragon Slayer by Franz von Stuck

列达与天鹅`Leda and the Swan by Paul Cezanne

列达与天鹅`Leda and the Swan by Paul Cezanne

《神圣家庭》,1805年`The Holy Family, 1805 by William Blake

《神圣家庭》,1805年`The Holy Family, 1805 by William Blake

红磨坊出口,1902年`Exit from the Moulin Rouge, 1902 by Tony Minarts – Antoine Guillaume

红磨坊出口,1902年`Exit from the Moulin Rouge, 1902 by Tony Minarts – Antoine Guillaume

原始森林中的猴子和鹦鹉,1906年`Monkeys and Parrot in the Virgin Forest, 1906 by Henri Rousseau

原始森林中的猴子和鹦鹉,1906年`Monkeys and Parrot in the Virgin Forest, 1906 by Henri Rousseau

萨福克肯威尔庄园的一位女性肖像,传统上被认为是玛丽·克罗普顿`Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton of Kenwell Hall, Suffolk by Robert Peake the Elder

萨福克肯威尔庄园的一位女性肖像,传统上被认为是玛丽·克罗普顿`Portrait of a Woman, Traditionally Identified as Mary Clopton of Kenwell Hall, Suffolk by Robert Peake the Elder

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