悲秋版国画欣赏 组图

上午11点`Eleven A M by Edward Hopper

上午11点`Eleven A M by Edward Hopper

加缪夫人,1870年`Madame Camus, 1870 by Edgar Degas

加缪夫人,1870年`Madame Camus, 1870 by Edgar Degas

拿着日本阳伞的女孩`Girl With A Japanese Parasol

拿着日本阳伞的女孩`Girl With A Japanese Parasol

丹麦的克里斯蒂安九世和他的家人`Christian IX of Denmark with his Family

丹麦的克里斯蒂安九世和他的家人`Christian IX of Denmark with his Family

1674年,路易十四在凡尔赛宫接待了《大孔德》`Reception of Le Grand Conde by Louis XIV at Versailles in 1674 by Jean-Leon Gerome

1674年,路易十四在凡尔赛宫接待了《大孔德》`Reception of Le Grand Conde by Louis XIV at Versailles in 1674 by Jean-Leon Gerome

《尚普诺瓦历法》中的秋天,新艺术运动`Autumn, from the Champenois Calendar, Art Nouveau by Alphonse Mucha

《尚普诺瓦历法》中的秋天,新艺术运动`Autumn, from the Champenois Calendar, Art Nouveau by Alphonse Mucha

这幅画是1922年创作的《夫妇与新来者》`The Visit, Couple and Newcomer, Painted in 1922 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

这幅画是1922年创作的《夫妇与新来者》`The Visit, Couple and Newcomer, Painted in 1922 by Ernst Ludwig Kirchner

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