油画颜料笔触背景图 组图

1499年,一个穿着绿色衣服的天使和一个维耶尔`An Angel in Green with a Vielle, 1499 by Francesco Napoletano

1499年,一个穿着绿色衣服的天使和一个维耶尔`An Angel in Green with a Vielle, 1499 by Francesco Napoletano

米西娅坐在梳妆台旁`Misia at Her Dressing Table

米西娅坐在梳妆台旁`Misia at Her Dressing Table

玛丽崇拜这个孩子`Mary Worshiping the Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

玛丽崇拜这个孩子`Mary Worshiping the Child by Giovanni Battista Salvi da Sassoferrato

夏天`Summer by Thomas Dewing

夏天`Summer by Thomas Dewing

康纳马拉女孩,1870年`A Connemara Girl, 1870 by Augustus Nicholas Burke

康纳马拉女孩,1870年`A Connemara Girl, 1870 by Augustus Nicholas Burke

是还是不是`Yes Or No

是还是不是`Yes Or No

一幅绘有一位年轻女子肖像的特朗普·欧伊尔画作`A trompe-l\’oeil painting with the portrait of a young woman by Justus Juncker

一幅绘有一位年轻女子肖像的特朗普·欧伊尔画作`A trompe-l\’oeil painting with the portrait of a young woman by Justus Juncker

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