花园里的女人法国画家 组图

生死`Death and Life

生死`Death and Life

梦的结束`The End of a Dream

梦的结束`The End of a Dream

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图2`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.2 by Giulio Romano

丘比特与普赛克之屋,详图2`Chamber of Cupid and Psyche, Detail No.2 by Giulio Romano

Strandgade室内,阳光照在地板上`Interior in Strandgade, Sunlight on the Floor by Vilhelm Hammershoi

Strandgade室内,阳光照在地板上`Interior in Strandgade, Sunlight on the Floor by Vilhelm Hammershoi

帕特莫斯圣约翰的愿景`Vision of St. John on Patmos by Francisco Antonio Vallejo

帕特莫斯圣约翰的愿景`Vision of St. John on Patmos by Francisco Antonio Vallejo

布洛涅别墅`The Chalet du Cycle in the Bois de Boulogne by Jean Beraud

布洛涅别墅`The Chalet du Cycle in the Bois de Boulogne by Jean Beraud

巴黎乞丐女孩,1877年`A Parisian Beggar Girl, 1877 by John Singer Sargent

巴黎乞丐女孩,1877年`A Parisian Beggar Girl, 1877 by John Singer Sargent

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