水面上的荷叶国画 组图

罗马女人的半身肖像`Half-Length Portrait of a Roman Woman

罗马女人的半身肖像`Half-Length Portrait of a Roman Woman

年轻的女士看着日本的物品`Young Ladies Looking At Japanese Objects

年轻的女士看着日本的物品`Young Ladies Looking At Japanese Objects

雨后`After the Rain by Charles Courtney Curran

雨后`After the Rain by Charles Courtney Curran

弩射手的胜利`The victory of the crossbow shooter by Auguste Serrure

弩射手的胜利`The victory of the crossbow shooter by Auguste Serrure

仙女座`Andromeda by Sir Edward John Poynter

仙女座`Andromeda by Sir Edward John Poynter

有圣徒和天使的神圣家庭`The Holy Family with Saints and Angels by Lubin Baugin

有圣徒和天使的神圣家庭`The Holy Family with Saints and Angels by Lubin Baugin

有花的女孩`A girl with flowers by Josef Borsos

有花的女孩`A girl with flowers by Josef Borsos

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