国画牡丹与鱼题款 组图

莎拉·班伯里夫人向恩典献祭,1763-1765年`Lady Sarah Bunbury Sacrificing to the Graces, 1763-1765 by Joshua Reynolds

莎拉·班伯里夫人向恩典献祭,1763-1765年`Lady Sarah Bunbury Sacrificing to the Graces, 1763-1765 by Joshua Reynolds

披着绿色披肩的女人`Woman With Green Shawl

披着绿色披肩的女人`Woman With Green Shawl

狩猎的早晨`A hunting morn by Heywood Hardy

狩猎的早晨`A hunting morn by Heywood Hardy

戴头巾的年轻女子,1780年`Young Woman with a Turban, 1780 by Jacques-Louis David

戴头巾的年轻女子,1780年`Young Woman with a Turban, 1780 by Jacques-Louis David

格雷斯三世,1737年`The Three Graces, 1737 by Jean-Etienne Liotard

格雷斯三世,1737年`The Three Graces, 1737 by Jean-Etienne Liotard

1426年的《公告》`Annunciation, 1426 by Fra Angelico

1426年的《公告》`Annunciation, 1426 by Fra Angelico

早上好,达科他州`Handsome Morning, A Dakota by Harry C Edwards

早上好,达科他州`Handsome Morning, A Dakota by Harry C Edwards

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