水彩画四格初学者 组图

意大利庭院`An Italian Courtyard by Jan Weenix

意大利庭院`An Italian Courtyard by Jan Weenix

后天`The Day After by Edvard Munch

后天`The Day After by Edvard Munch

艺术家的妻子,法国`The Artists\’ Wives, France by James Tissot

艺术家的妻子,法国`The Artists\’ Wives, France by James Tissot

玫瑰,1880年`Roses, 1880 by George Dunlop Leslie

玫瑰,1880年`Roses, 1880 by George Dunlop Leslie

休息片刻`A Moment of Rest by Eugen von Blaas

休息片刻`A Moment of Rest by Eugen von Blaas

Vahine No Miti(海滩上的女人)`
Vahine no te miti (Woman at the beach) (1892)  by Paul Gauguin

Vahine No Miti(海滩上的女人)` Vahine no te miti (Woman at the beach) (1892) by Paul Gauguin



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