中国画挂在家里哪里最好 组图

带鸽子的年轻女子`Young woman with Doves by Carl Hoff

带鸽子的年轻女子`Young woman with Doves by Carl Hoff

和解`The Reconciliation by Emile Antoine Bayard

和解`The Reconciliation by Emile Antoine Bayard

病房里的死亡`Death In The Sick Room

病房里的死亡`Death In The Sick Room

《谦逊的麦当娜》,约1440年`Madonna of Humility, circa 1440 by Fra Angelico

《谦逊的麦当娜》,约1440年`Madonna of Humility, circa 1440 by Fra Angelico

亚当和夏娃被赶出天堂`Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise

亚当和夏娃被赶出天堂`Adam and Eve Driven from Paradise

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

由捐赠者希罗尼穆斯·鲁德劳夫崇拜的新月上的圣母`Virgin on the Crescent Moon Worshipped by the Donor Hieronymus Rudelauf by Lucas Cranach the Elder

黑色的克洛蒂尔德·加西亚·德尔·卡斯蒂略`Clotilde Garcia del Castillo in Black by Joaquin Sorolla

黑色的克洛蒂尔德·加西亚·德尔·卡斯蒂略`Clotilde Garcia del Castillo in Black by Joaquin Sorolla

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