油画人嘴唇 组图

处决简·格雷夫人`The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche

处决简·格雷夫人`The Execution of Lady Jane Grey by Paul Delaroche

跟随旗帜`Follow the Flag by Walter Dean Goldbeck

跟随旗帜`Follow the Flag by Walter Dean Goldbeck

牧羊人的崇拜`The Adoration of the Shepherds

牧羊人的崇拜`The Adoration of the Shepherds

马戏团爱好者`The Circus Lover by James Tissot

马戏团爱好者`The Circus Lover by James Tissot

斯特凡妮娜·普里米西尔·卡拉法,西塞拉公爵夫人和蒙特贾西公爵夫人,1875年`Stefanina Primicile Carafa, Marchioness of Cicerale and Duchess of Montejasi, 1875 by Edgar Degas

斯特凡妮娜·普里米西尔·卡拉法,西塞拉公爵夫人和蒙特贾西公爵夫人,1875年`Stefanina Primicile Carafa, Marchioness of Cicerale and Duchess of Montejasi, 1875 by Edgar Degas

阿诺菲尼肖像,1434年`The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434 by Jan van Eyck

阿诺菲尼肖像,1434年`The Arnolfini Portrait, 1434 by Jan van Eyck

爱的逝去,1884年`Love\’s Passing, 1884 by Evelyn De Morgan

爱的逝去,1884年`Love\’s Passing, 1884 by Evelyn De Morgan

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