国画艺术家田美云 组图

奴隶贸易谈判`Slave trade negotiations by Fabio Fabbi

奴隶贸易谈判`Slave trade negotiations by Fabio Fabbi

康尼岛的牡蛎卖家`The Oyster Seller, Coney Island by Samuel S Carr

康尼岛的牡蛎卖家`The Oyster Seller, Coney Island by Samuel S Carr

信号`The Signal

信号`The Signal

麦当娜·拉伯里斯,1931年`Madonna Laboris, 1931 by Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich

麦当娜·拉伯里斯,1931年`Madonna Laboris, 1931 by Nikolai Konstantinovich Roerich

1907年沐浴前`Before Bathing, 1907 by Henri Lebasque

1907年沐浴前`Before Bathing, 1907 by Henri Lebasque

时尚的对比,公爵夫人的小鞋子屈服于公爵的脚的大小`Fashionable Contrasts, The Duchess\’s Little Shoe Yielding to the Magnitude of the Duke\’s Foot by James Gillray

时尚的对比,公爵夫人的小鞋子屈服于公爵的脚的大小`Fashionable Contrasts, The Duchess\’s Little Shoe Yielding to the Magnitude of the Duke\’s Foot by James Gillray

保林夫人肖像`Portrait of Mme Paulin by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

保林夫人肖像`Portrait of Mme Paulin by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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