法式复古油画少女妆 组图

塞勒姆湾,1915-1918年`Salem Cove, 1915-1918 by Maurice Prendergast

塞勒姆湾,1915-1918年`Salem Cove, 1915-1918 by Maurice Prendergast

不合时宜,1898年`The Inopportune, 1898 by Jose Ferraz de Almeida Junior

不合时宜,1898年`The Inopportune, 1898 by Jose Ferraz de Almeida Junior

那孩子睡着了`The Child Virgin Asleep

那孩子睡着了`The Child Virgin Asleep

《天使圣母》,1881年`The Virgin with Angels, 1881 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

《天使圣母》,1881年`The Virgin with Angels, 1881 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

情妇和女佣`Mistress and Maid by 维米尔

情妇和女佣`Mistress and Maid by 维米尔

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

康纳马拉女孩,1870年`A Connemara Girl, 1870 by Augustus Nicholas Burke

康纳马拉女孩,1870年`A Connemara Girl, 1870 by Augustus Nicholas Burke

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