国画山水写实作品 组图

1896年的耶稣诞生`The Nativity, 1896 by Paul Gauguin

1896年的耶稣诞生`The Nativity, 1896 by Paul Gauguin

圣母加冕礼`Coronation Of The Virgin

圣母加冕礼`Coronation Of The Virgin

银鱼`Silverfish, Nymphs by Gustav Klimt

银鱼`Silverfish, Nymphs by Gustav Klimt

化装舞会礼服`The Masquerade Dress

化装舞会礼服`The Masquerade Dress

利马圣罗斯,1670年`Saint Rose of Lima, 1670 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

利马圣罗斯,1670年`Saint Rose of Lima, 1670 by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

黑桃皇后`Queen of Spades by Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh

黑桃皇后`Queen of Spades by Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh

东方三博士的崇拜`The Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico

东方三博士的崇拜`The Adoration of the Magi by Fra Angelico

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