张万琪油画作品欣赏 组图



对欧罗巴的强奸`The Rape of Europa

对欧罗巴的强奸`The Rape of Europa

日本面具`The Japanese Mask

日本面具`The Japanese Mask

义务教育`Compulsory Education by Charles Burton Barber

义务教育`Compulsory Education by Charles Burton Barber

《死亡与少女》,1517年`Death and the Maiden, 1517 by Hans Baldung

《死亡与少女》,1517年`Death and the Maiden, 1517 by Hans Baldung

结束`Winding Up

结束`Winding Up

在船上`In the Boat by Claude Monet

在船上`In the Boat by Claude Monet

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