躺在罗汉床上的国画 组图

五个游泳者`Five Bathers by Paul Cezanne

五个游泳者`Five Bathers by Paul Cezanne

双腿交叉的女孩`Girl With Crossed Legs

双腿交叉的女孩`Girl With Crossed Legs

1870年的访问`The Visit, 1870 by Alfred Stevens

1870年的访问`The Visit, 1870 by Alfred Stevens

《带牡丹的年轻女子》,1870年`Young Woman with Peonies, 1870 by Frederic Bazille

《带牡丹的年轻女子》,1870年`Young Woman with Peonies, 1870 by Frederic Bazille

安妮·米尔斯·阿奇博尔德小姐`Miss Anne Mills Archbold

安妮·米尔斯·阿奇博尔德小姐`Miss Anne Mills Archbold

有圣徒和天使的神圣家庭`The Holy Family with Saints and Angels by Lubin Baugin

有圣徒和天使的神圣家庭`The Holy Family with Saints and Angels by Lubin Baugin

Maloja Valle Fiorita附近的开花草地`Flowering Meadow near Maloja Valle Fiorita

Maloja Valle Fiorita附近的开花草地`Flowering Meadow near Maloja Valle Fiorita

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