英国画家玛丽人物 组图

安达卢西亚夫人`Our lady of Andalusia by Julio Romero de Torres

安达卢西亚夫人`Our lady of Andalusia by Julio Romero de Torres

公告,1660-1665`The Annunciation, 1660-1665 by Godfried Schalcken

公告,1660-1665`The Annunciation, 1660-1665 by Godfried Schalcken

在炉边`By the Fireside by Auguste Toulmouche

在炉边`By the Fireside by Auguste Toulmouche

下午在海滩`Afternoon at the Beach by Frederick Carl Frieseke

下午在海滩`Afternoon at the Beach by Frederick Carl Frieseke

戴珍珠耳环的女孩,大约1665年`Girl with a Pearl Earring, circa 1665  by 维米尔

戴珍珠耳环的女孩,大约1665年`Girl with a Pearl Earring, circa 1665 by 维米尔

非洲的拟人化,1720年`Personification of Africa, 1720 by Rosalba Carriera

非洲的拟人化,1720年`Personification of Africa, 1720 by Rosalba Carriera

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

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