杨永家国画人物作品欣赏 组图

年轻女子` Young Woman by Carl Timoleon von Neff

年轻女子` Young Woman by Carl Timoleon von Neff

1799年,有情人和一个萨米森的年轻女子`Young Woman with Lover and a Shamisen, 1799 by Kitagawa Utamaro

1799年,有情人和一个萨米森的年轻女子`Young Woman with Lover and a Shamisen, 1799 by Kitagawa Utamaro

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

麦当娜与孩子,1410年`Madonna and Child, 1410 by Taddeo di Bartolo

麦当娜与孩子,1410年`Madonna and Child, 1410 by Taddeo di Bartolo

伊内兹·德祖尼加——蒙特雷县`Inez de Zuniga – Countess of Monterrey

伊内兹·德祖尼加——蒙特雷县`Inez de Zuniga – Countess of Monterrey

芦苇切割器`The Reed Cutter by Charles Sillem Lidderdale

芦苇切割器`The Reed Cutter by Charles Sillem Lidderdale

博亚琳娜·莫罗佐娃`Boyarina Morozova

博亚琳娜·莫罗佐娃`Boyarina Morozova

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