儿童就能学会的国画 组图

苏珊娜·惠更斯的肖像`Portrait of Susanna Doublet Huygens by Caspar Netscher

苏珊娜·惠更斯的肖像`Portrait of Susanna Doublet Huygens by Caspar Netscher

约翰·C·汤姆林森夫人`Mrs. John C. Tomlinson by John Singer Sargent

约翰·C·汤姆林森夫人`Mrs. John C. Tomlinson by John Singer Sargent

晚上在桥上的女士`Lady On A Bridge At Evening

晚上在桥上的女士`Lady On A Bridge At Evening

画家的灵感,1897年`Inspiration of the Painter, 1897 by Jacek Malczewski

画家的灵感,1897年`Inspiration of the Painter, 1897 by Jacek Malczewski

在五月花号的船舱里签署契约`Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower by Charles Edward Perine

在五月花号的船舱里签署契约`Signing of the Compact in the Cabin of the Mayflower by Charles Edward Perine

天文学寓言,1675年`Allegory of Astronomy, 1675 by Francesco Cozza

天文学寓言,1675年`Allegory of Astronomy, 1675 by Francesco Cozza



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