水彩画老街夜晚 组图

教母的花园`The Garden of the Godmother by Marie-Francis Firmin-Girard

教母的花园`The Garden of the Godmother by Marie-Francis Firmin-Girard

沙丘中失明的克里斯坦和汀`Blind Kristan and Tine Among the Dunes by Michael Ancher

沙丘中失明的克里斯坦和汀`Blind Kristan and Tine Among the Dunes by Michael Ancher

女雷丁,1910年`Woman Reading, 1910 by Barbour

女雷丁,1910年`Woman Reading, 1910 by Barbour

在高地上,1909年`On the Heights, 1909 by Charles Courtney Curran

在高地上,1909年`On the Heights, 1909 by Charles Courtney Curran

通告`Annunciation by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

通告`Annunciation by Dante Gabriel Rossetti

威廉女王陛下`Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Wilhelmina by Paul Berthon

威廉女王陛下`Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Wilhelmina by Paul Berthon

圣母与圣徒杰罗姆、彼得、方济各和一名身份不明的女圣徒的孩子,1505年`The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome, Peter, Francis and an Unidentified Female Saint, 1505 by Lorenzo Lotto

圣母与圣徒杰罗姆、彼得、方济各和一名身份不明的女圣徒的孩子,1505年`The Virgin and Child with Saints Jerome, Peter, Francis and an Unidentified Female Saint, 1505 by Lorenzo Lotto

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