福建人油画艺术 组图

镜中的女士`The Lady by the mirror by Maxim Dethomas

镜中的女士`The Lady by the mirror by Maxim Dethomas

珀尔修斯的最后职责`Perseus\’s Last Duty by Max Beckmann

珀尔修斯的最后职责`Perseus\’s Last Duty by Max Beckmann

1870年10月7日,乘坐阿尔芒·巴比斯气球离开甘贝塔`Departure from Gambetta on the Armand-Barbes balloon on October 7, 1870 by Jacques Guiaud

1870年10月7日,乘坐阿尔芒·巴比斯气球离开甘贝塔`Departure from Gambetta on the Armand-Barbes balloon on October 7, 1870 by Jacques Guiaud

波拉·内格里和鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺`Pola Negri and Rudolph Valentino by Federico Beltran Masses

波拉·内格里和鲁道夫·瓦伦蒂诺`Pola Negri and Rudolph Valentino by Federico Beltran Masses

神秘的水`The Mysterious Water by Ernest Bieler

神秘的水`The Mysterious Water by Ernest Bieler

周日上午在弗吉尼亚`Sunday Morning In Virginia

周日上午在弗吉尼亚`Sunday Morning In Virginia

沙丘中失明的克里斯坦和汀`Blind Kristan and Tine Among the Dunes by Michael Ancher

沙丘中失明的克里斯坦和汀`Blind Kristan and Tine Among the Dunes by Michael Ancher

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