国画福鼠结合 组图

玫瑰花环盛宴`Feast of the Rose Garlands by Albrecht Durer

玫瑰花环盛宴`Feast of the Rose Garlands by Albrecht Durer

仙女座`Andromeda by Sir Edward John Poynter

仙女座`Andromeda by Sir Edward John Poynter

戴大帽子的女孩`Girl in a Large Hat by Caesar Boethius van Everdingen

戴大帽子的女孩`Girl in a Large Hat by Caesar Boethius van Everdingen

撒谎的女人`Lying Woman by Hermann August Philips

撒谎的女人`Lying Woman by Hermann August Philips

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

慈悲圣母与两位美塞达利僧侣,1640年`The Virgin of the Mercy with Two Mercedarian Monks, 1640 by Francisco de Zurbaran

河边的一个小女孩`A Young Girl by the River by Frederick Arthur Bridgman

河边的一个小女孩`A Young Girl by the River by Frederick Arthur Bridgman

地狱之门`The Gates of Hell by Cornelis Saftleven

地狱之门`The Gates of Hell by Cornelis Saftleven

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