一分钟学会西柚的水彩画法 组图

天文学寓言,1675年`Allegory of Astronomy, 1675 by Francesco Cozza

天文学寓言,1675年`Allegory of Astronomy, 1675 by Francesco Cozza

岸上的船`Boats on the Shore by Joaquin Sorolla

岸上的船`Boats on the Shore by Joaquin Sorolla

圣母与圣安妮之子,1503年`The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, 1503 by Leonardo da Vinci

圣母与圣安妮之子,1503年`The Virgin and Child with Saint Anne, 1503 by Leonardo da Vinci

伊丽莎白·温斯洛普·钱勒-约翰·杰伊·查普曼夫人`Elisabeth Winthrop Chanler – Mrs John Jay Chapman

伊丽莎白·温斯洛普·钱勒-约翰·杰伊·查普曼夫人`Elisabeth Winthrop Chanler – Mrs John Jay Chapman

神圣家庭,1887年`The Holy Family, 1887 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

神圣家庭,1887年`The Holy Family, 1887 by William-Adolphe Bouguereau

米西娅·塞特肖像`Portrait of Misia Sert by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

米西娅·塞特肖像`Portrait of Misia Sert by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

一天晚上在海上`One Evening at the Sea by Alfred Stevens

一天晚上在海上`One Evening at the Sea by Alfred Stevens

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