国画钟馗形神兼备 组图

蒙马特花园与恋人`Garden in Montmartre with Lovers

蒙马特花园与恋人`Garden in Montmartre with Lovers

歌剧演员艾诺·阿克特的肖像`Portrait of the Opera Singer Aino Ackte by Albert Edelfelt

歌剧演员艾诺·阿克特的肖像`Portrait of the Opera Singer Aino Ackte by Albert Edelfelt

熟睡的美人鱼`The Sleeping Mermaid by John Reinhard Weguelin

熟睡的美人鱼`The Sleeping Mermaid by John Reinhard Weguelin

四位圣母殉道者`Four Virgin Martyrs by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

四位圣母殉道者`Four Virgin Martyrs by Bartolome Esteban Murillo

在杂耍中,舞台上的男人和女人`In Vaudeville, Man and Woman on Stage by Charles Demuth

在杂耍中,舞台上的男人和女人`In Vaudeville, Man and Woman on Stage by Charles Demuth

特鲁德天使`Trude Angel by Egon Schiele

特鲁德天使`Trude Angel by Egon Schiele

圣母玛利亚与天使`Madonna of the Rosary with Angels by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

圣母玛利亚与天使`Madonna of the Rosary with Angels by Giovanni Battista Tiepolo

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