一级建造师网国画书 组图

牡丹姑娘`Young Woman With Peonies

牡丹姑娘`Young Woman With Peonies

拥抱,贝多芬雕带`The Embracement, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

拥抱,贝多芬雕带`The Embracement, Beethoven Frieze by Gustav Klimt

月亮和星星`The Moon and the Stars by Alphonse Mucha

月亮和星星`The Moon and the Stars by Alphonse Mucha

舞蹈课`The Dancing Class

舞蹈课`The Dancing Class

对东方三博士的崇拜,·The Adoration of the Magi, 19th century by Domingos Antonio de Sequeira

对东方三博士的崇拜,·The Adoration of the Magi, 19th century by Domingos Antonio de Sequeira

Standing Woman with a Bag of Potatoes (1985)  by Arnold Peter Weisz-Kubínčan

有一袋土豆的常设妇女` Standing Woman with a Bag of Potatoes (1985) by Arnold Peter Weisz-Kubínčan

美丽的罗莎蒙德`The Fair Rosamund by John William Waterhouse

美丽的罗莎蒙德`The Fair Rosamund by John William Waterhouse

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