南京油画艺术馆 组图

美国神枪手安妮·奥克利`Annie Oakley, American Sharpshooter by John Wood

美国神枪手安妮·奥克利`Annie Oakley, American Sharpshooter by John Wood

纳切兹`The Natchez

纳切兹`The Natchez

弗拉基米尔上帝之母`Vladimir Mother of God by Russian Icon

弗拉基米尔上帝之母`Vladimir Mother of God by Russian Icon

圣母子`Madonna and Child by Guercino

圣母子`Madonna and Child by Guercino

开花`Blossoms by William Henry Holmes

开花`Blossoms by William Henry Holmes

竖琴女孩II,1945年`Harp Girl II, 1945 by Morris Hirshfield

竖琴女孩II,1945年`Harp Girl II, 1945 by Morris Hirshfield

艺术家的女儿奥尔加和玛丽娜与泰迪熊的肖像`Portrait of the artists daughters Olga and Marina with teddy bear by Konstantin Makovsky

艺术家的女儿奥尔加和玛丽娜与泰迪熊的肖像`Portrait of the artists daughters Olga and Marina with teddy bear by Konstantin Makovsky

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