学书法国画的感想和说说 组图

利奥波丁·雨果肖像,1836年`Portrait of Leopoldine Hugo, 1836 by Auguste de Chatillon

利奥波丁·雨果肖像,1836年`Portrait of Leopoldine Hugo, 1836 by Auguste de Chatillon

琵琶手自画像,1615-1618年`Self Portrait as a Lute Player, 1615-1618 by Artemisia Gentileschi

琵琶手自画像,1615-1618年`Self Portrait as a Lute Player, 1615-1618 by Artemisia Gentileschi

年轻女子` Young Woman by Carl Timoleon von Neff

年轻女子` Young Woman by Carl Timoleon von Neff

Bathing Women, Sketch (1912)  by Jalmari Ruokokoski

沐浴女性,素描` Bathing Women, Sketch (1912) by Jalmari Ruokokoski

Il Penseroso,1845年绘制`Il Penseroso, Painted in 1845 by Thomas Cole

Il Penseroso,1845年绘制`Il Penseroso, Painted in 1845 by Thomas Cole

一位老妇人,1623年`An Old Woman, 1623 by Gerard van Honthorst

一位老妇人,1623年`An Old Woman, 1623 by Gerard van Honthorst

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

新约三位一体与圣母加冕`New Testament Trinity and Crowning of the Virgin by Icon Painter Nikola Obrazopisov

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