月下房屋图国画 组图

保姆和孩子`Nanny and Child by Eva Gonzales

保姆和孩子`Nanny and Child by Eva Gonzales

一位年轻女子坐在一个女子座前`A Young Woman seated at a Virginal by 维米尔

一位年轻女子坐在一个女子座前`A Young Woman seated at a Virginal by 维米尔

天使加布里埃尔,预告`The Annunciation, Angel Gabriel by Leonardo Da Vinci

天使加布里埃尔,预告`The Annunciation, Angel Gabriel by Leonardo Da Vinci

决斗`The Duel by Emile Antoine Bayard

决斗`The Duel by Emile Antoine Bayard

娜塔莉亚·戈利钦公主肖像`Portrait Of Princess Natalia Golitsyn

娜塔莉亚·戈利钦公主肖像`Portrait Of Princess Natalia Golitsyn

费城贵格会教徒`A Philadelphia Quaker by Alice Barber Stephens

费城贵格会教徒`A Philadelphia Quaker by Alice Barber Stephens

19世纪,在圣克劳德举行的庆典和他的弓上有两根弦`Two Strings to his Bow and the Fete at St. cloud, 19th century by Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer

19世纪,在圣克劳德举行的庆典和他的弓上有两根弦`Two Strings to his Bow and the Fete at St. cloud, 19th century by Frederik Hendrik Kaemmerer

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