戴维菲尔油画作品欣赏 组图

坐在风景中的女孩`Girl Seated in a Landscape by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

坐在风景中的女孩`Girl Seated in a Landscape by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

君士坦丁堡市场日`Market Day In Constantinople

君士坦丁堡市场日`Market Day In Constantinople

奴隶的呈现`The Presentation of the Slave by Henryk Siemiradzki

奴隶的呈现`The Presentation of the Slave by Henryk Siemiradzki

1858年领养圣母`Virgin of the Adoption, 1858 by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

1858年领养圣母`Virgin of the Adoption, 1858 by Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

在1895年的雕塑展上`At the Sculpture Exhibition, 1895 by Charles Courtney Curran

在1895年的雕塑展上`At the Sculpture Exhibition, 1895 by Charles Courtney Curran

Marchesa Brigida Spinola-Doria`Marchesa Brigida Spinola – Doria

Marchesa Brigida Spinola-Doria`Marchesa Brigida Spinola – Doria

芭芭拉·克雷森肖像`Portrait of Barbara Kressin

芭芭拉·克雷森肖像`Portrait of Barbara Kressin

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