国画四季牡丹 组图

女帽`The Milliner

女帽`The Milliner

穿着黄色背心的自画像,1914年`Self-Portrait in Yellow Vest, 1914 by Egon Schiele

穿着黄色背心的自画像,1914年`Self-Portrait in Yellow Vest, 1914 by Egon Schiele

慈善机构`Caritas, Charity by Gaetano Chierici

慈善机构`Caritas, Charity by Gaetano Chierici

两个吉普赛女人在他们的小屋外`Two Gypsy Women Outside their Cottage by Peder Severin Kroyer

两个吉普赛女人在他们的小屋外`Two Gypsy Women Outside their Cottage by Peder Severin Kroyer

索尔和恩多女巫,1777年`Saul and the Witch of Endor, 1777 by Benjamin West

索尔和恩多女巫,1777年`Saul and the Witch of Endor, 1777 by Benjamin West

对不起,士兵护卫女,法官杂志封面,1917年7月`Excuse Me, Soldier Escorting Woman, Judge Magazine Cover, July 1917 by Norman Rockwell

对不起,士兵护卫女,法官杂志封面,1917年7月`Excuse Me, Soldier Escorting Woman, Judge Magazine Cover, July 1917 by Norman Rockwell

伊莎贝拉`Isabella by Simon Maris

伊莎贝拉`Isabella by Simon Maris

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