看看中国画 组图

生日`The Birthday

生日`The Birthday

茶叶`Tea Leaves

茶叶`Tea Leaves

跪着的年轻女子`Young Woman Kneeling by Henri-Jean Guillaume Martin

跪着的年轻女子`Young Woman Kneeling by Henri-Jean Guillaume Martin

《谦逊的麦当娜》,约1440年`Madonna of Humility, circa 1440 by Fra Angelico

《谦逊的麦当娜》,约1440年`Madonna of Humility, circa 1440 by Fra Angelico

穿白衣服的女士,温伯恩子爵夫人`The Lady in White, Viscountess Wimborne by John Lavery

穿白衣服的女士,温伯恩子爵夫人`The Lady in White, Viscountess Wimborne by John Lavery

厕所,1873年`The Toilet, 1873 by Eastman Johnson

厕所,1873年`The Toilet, 1873 by Eastman Johnson

1766年,圣史蒂芬和其他三位圣徒面前出现的《荣耀中的麦当娜和孩子》`Madonna and Child in Glory appearing to St Stephen and three other Saints, 1766 by Corrado Giaquinto

1766年,圣史蒂芬和其他三位圣徒面前出现的《荣耀中的麦当娜和孩子》`Madonna and Child in Glory appearing to St Stephen and three other Saints, 1766 by Corrado Giaquinto

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