国画家周质 组图

十字架受难,1450年`The Crucifixion, 1450 by Sano di Pietro

十字架受难,1450年`The Crucifixion, 1450 by Sano di Pietro

《哈姆雷特》第三幕第二场`The Play Scene In Hamlet – Act IIi Scene 2

《哈姆雷特》第三幕第二场`The Play Scene In Hamlet – Act IIi Scene 2

理想,灵魂之诗`The Ideal, Poem of the Soul by Louis Janmot

理想,灵魂之诗`The Ideal, Poem of the Soul by Louis Janmot

一个拿着花的年轻女子的半身像`Bust of a young woman with a flower by Giovanni Boldini

一个拿着花的年轻女子的半身像`Bust of a young woman with a flower by Giovanni Boldini

注意的等待`Watchful Waiting by Walter Dean Goldbeck

注意的等待`Watchful Waiting by Walter Dean Goldbeck

1901年在博斯山`On Bos\’n\’s Hill, 1901 by Edmund Charles Tarbell

1901年在博斯山`On Bos\’n\’s Hill, 1901 by Edmund Charles Tarbell

幼儿保育和教育家庭A`Ecce Home A

幼儿保育和教育家庭A`Ecce Home A

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