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丽莎·柯尔特·柯蒂斯的肖像`Portrait Of Lisa Colt Curtis

丽莎·柯尔特·柯蒂斯的肖像`Portrait Of Lisa Colt Curtis

希望和幸福的寓言`Allegory of Hope and Happiness by Niccolo Ricciolini

希望和幸福的寓言`Allegory of Hope and Happiness by Niccolo Ricciolini

1922年,修道院屋内有美塞达利修女场景`Interior of convent with Mercedarian nuns scene, 1922 by Jose Rico Cejudo

1922年,修道院屋内有美塞达利修女场景`Interior of convent with Mercedarian nuns scene, 1922 by Jose Rico Cejudo

梳头的女人`Woman Combing her Hair by Wladyslaw Slewinski

梳头的女人`Woman Combing her Hair by Wladyslaw Slewinski

画室田园诗,艺术家的妻子和他们的女儿`A Studio Idyll, The Artist\’s Wife and their Daughter by Carl Larsson

画室田园诗,艺术家的妻子和他们的女儿`A Studio Idyll, The Artist\’s Wife and their Daughter by Carl Larsson

奥斯勒夫人`Mrs. Osler by John Lavery

奥斯勒夫人`Mrs. Osler by John Lavery

华盛顿的旗帜`Washington\’s Flag by Lymon Powell

华盛顿的旗帜`Washington\’s Flag by Lymon Powell

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