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艾蒿准备喝下丈夫莫索罗斯的骨灰`Artemisia Prepares To Drink The Ashes Of Her Husband Mausolus

艾蒿准备喝下丈夫莫索罗斯的骨灰`Artemisia Prepares To Drink The Ashes Of Her Husband Mausolus

科德角之夜`Cape Cod Evening

科德角之夜`Cape Cod Evening

伊丽莎白·温斯洛普·钱勒-约翰·杰伊·查普曼夫人`Elisabeth Winthrop Chanler – Mrs John Jay Chapman

伊丽莎白·温斯洛普·钱勒-约翰·杰伊·查普曼夫人`Elisabeth Winthrop Chanler – Mrs John Jay Chapman

滨岸`Revere Beach by Maurice Prendergast

滨岸`Revere Beach by Maurice Prendergast

寓言,善恶之间的纯真`Allegory, Innocence between virtues and vices by Adriaen van de Velde

寓言,善恶之间的纯真`Allegory, Innocence between virtues and vices by Adriaen van de Velde

在高地上,1909年`On the Heights, 1909 by Charles Courtney Curran

在高地上,1909年`On the Heights, 1909 by Charles Courtney Curran

伊薇特·吉尔伯特`Yvette Gilbert

伊薇特·吉尔伯特`Yvette Gilbert

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