周岁宝宝油画图片 组图

1870年10月7日,乘坐阿尔芒·巴比斯气球离开甘贝塔`Departure from Gambetta on the Armand-Barbes balloon on October 7, 1870 by Jacques Guiaud

1870年10月7日,乘坐阿尔芒·巴比斯气球离开甘贝塔`Departure from Gambetta on the Armand-Barbes balloon on October 7, 1870 by Jacques Guiaud

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

圣乔治和圣德米特里奥斯骑马的圣母玛利亚`The Virgin Eleusa with Saint George and Saint Demetrios on Horses by Iconographer Dimitar Zograf from Samoko

秋天的寓言`Allegory of Autumn by Martinus Josephus Geeraerts

秋天的寓言`Allegory of Autumn by Martinus Josephus Geeraerts

伊莎贝拉`Isabella by Simon Maris

伊莎贝拉`Isabella by Simon Maris

火车站`The Railway Station

火车站`The Railway Station

圣伊内斯之死的重演`Retable of the saint ines\’ death by Julio Romero de Torres

圣伊内斯之死的重演`Retable of the saint ines\’ death by Julio Romero de Torres

安德烈戴着帽子在看书`Andree in a Hat, Reading by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

安德烈戴着帽子在看书`Andree in a Hat, Reading by Pierre-Auguste Renoir

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