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棕榈泉卡斯特罗斯子爵夫人`The Viscountess Castlerosse, Palm Springs by Sir John Lavery

棕榈泉卡斯特罗斯子爵夫人`The Viscountess Castlerosse, Palm Springs by Sir John Lavery

奥托·马斯特兰德的两个女儿及其保姆的肖像`Portrait of Otto Marstrand\’s Two Daughter and their Nanny by Nicolai Wilhelm Marstrant

奥托·马斯特兰德的两个女儿及其保姆的肖像`Portrait of Otto Marstrand\’s Two Daughter and their Nanny by Nicolai Wilhelm Marstrant

厨师`The Cook

厨师`The Cook

海琳·威格尔肖像`Portrait Of Helene Weigle

海琳·威格尔肖像`Portrait Of Helene Weigle

我妹妹凯莉·斯特海默的画像`Portrait of My Sister, Carrie Stettheimer by Florine Stettheimer

我妹妹凯莉·斯特海默的画像`Portrait of My Sister, Carrie Stettheimer by Florine Stettheimer

Shishmareva姐妹的肖像`Portrait of the Shishmareva Sisters

Shishmareva姐妹的肖像`Portrait of the Shishmareva Sisters

圣母子`Madonna and Child by Guercino

圣母子`Madonna and Child by Guercino

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