精美书画锦盒 组图

雷内·普雷让夫人肖像`Portrait of Madame Rene Prejean by Antonio de La Gandara

雷内·普雷让夫人肖像`Portrait of Madame Rene Prejean by Antonio de La Gandara

因为天国就是这样`For Such is the Kingdom of Heaven

因为天国就是这样`For Such is the Kingdom of Heaven

甜食`The Sweet Tooth by Ludwig Knaus

甜食`The Sweet Tooth by Ludwig Knaus



田园风光,L\’Aimable田园,1762年`A Pastoral Scene, L\’Aimable Pastorale, 1762 by Francois Boucher

田园风光,L\’Aimable田园,1762年`A Pastoral Scene, L\’Aimable Pastorale, 1762 by Francois Boucher

新来的女奴`The new slave girl by Fabio Fabbi

新来的女奴`The new slave girl by Fabio Fabbi

新泽西州朗布兰奇,1869年`Long Branch, New Jersey, 1869

新泽西州朗布兰奇,1869年`Long Branch, New Jersey, 1869

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