盖茂森人物画大全 组图

弩射手的胜利`The victory of the crossbow shooter by Auguste Serrure

弩射手的胜利`The victory of the crossbow shooter by Auguste Serrure

在谷仓里挤奶的女佣`A Maid Milking A Cow In A Barn

在谷仓里挤奶的女佣`A Maid Milking A Cow In A Barn

围绕圣母玛利亚雕像的花环`Garland of Flowers surrounding a Sculpture of the Virgin Mary by Daniel Seghers

围绕圣母玛利亚雕像的花环`Garland of Flowers surrounding a Sculpture of the Virgin Mary by Daniel Seghers

哈里特·布拉德福德·蒂芙尼·斯图尔特`Harriet Bradford Tiffany Stewart

哈里特·布拉德福德·蒂芙尼·斯图尔特`Harriet Bradford Tiffany Stewart

第一夫人南希·里根的白宫官方肖像`First Lady Nancy Reagan\’s Official White House Portrait by Aaron Shikler

第一夫人南希·里根的白宫官方肖像`First Lady Nancy Reagan\’s Official White House Portrait by Aaron Shikler

尝糖`Tasting The Sugar

尝糖`Tasting The Sugar

塔希提生活牧师,1892年`Pastor tahitian life, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

塔希提生活牧师,1892年`Pastor tahitian life, 1892 by Paul Gauguin

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