红越书画艺术工作室 组图

东方三博士的崇拜`The Adoration of the Magi by Domingos Sequeira

东方三博士的崇拜`The Adoration of the Magi by Domingos Sequeira

亚当和夏娃倒台后的人间天堂`The Earthly Paradise with the Fall of Adam and Eve by Peter Paul Rubens

亚当和夏娃倒台后的人间天堂`The Earthly Paradise with the Fall of Adam and Eve by Peter Paul Rubens

黛博拉·杰米玛·麦克斯韦夫人肖像`Portrait of Mrs Deborah Jemima Maxwell by George Romney

黛博拉·杰米玛·麦克斯韦夫人肖像`Portrait of Mrs Deborah Jemima Maxwell by George Romney

华盛顿的旗帜`Washington\’s Flag by Lymon Powell

华盛顿的旗帜`Washington\’s Flag by Lymon Powell

礼拜铜蛇`The Brazen Serpent by Corrado Giaquinto

礼拜铜蛇`The Brazen Serpent by Corrado Giaquinto

凉廊早餐`Breakfast in the Loggia by John Singer Sargent

凉廊早餐`Breakfast in the Loggia by John Singer Sargent

四季`The Four Seasons

四季`The Four Seasons

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