书画家大连刘峰 组图

雅克·路易斯·勒布朗夫人`Madame Jacque – Louis Leblanc

雅克·路易斯·勒布朗夫人`Madame Jacque – Louis Leblanc

1880年斯宾塞仙后的乌娜和狮子`Una And Lion From Spensers Faerie Queene, 1880 by Briton Riviere

1880年斯宾塞仙后的乌娜和狮子`Una And Lion From Spensers Faerie Queene, 1880 by Briton Riviere

威廉三世和玛丽·斯图尔特的加冕礼`The Coronation of William III and Mary Stuart by Charles Rochussen

威廉三世和玛丽·斯图尔特的加冕礼`The Coronation of William III and Mary Stuart by Charles Rochussen

摩尔庭院中的奥达利斯`Odalisque in a Moorish courtyard by Rafael Blanco Merino

摩尔庭院中的奥达利斯`Odalisque in a Moorish courtyard by Rafael Blanco Merino

天启圣母`Virgin of the Apocalypse by Andres Lopez

天启圣母`Virgin of the Apocalypse by Andres Lopez

夏天`Summer by Edward Atkinson Hornel

夏天`Summer by Edward Atkinson Hornel

来自莫拉的女孩`Girl from Mora by Anders Zorn

来自莫拉的女孩`Girl from Mora by Anders Zorn

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